Th 5, 25/06/2020 | 14:54 CH

Assurance of industrial property information
We were currently living in a knowledge-driven economy, in which ideas and innovation had become main resources to boost economic development and brought us competitive advantages. Industrial property information is playing an important role.
Activities of industrial property information
Activities of industrial property information were assured over the year with sound management and development of information to serve in-house professional operation and public access.
Industrial Property Gazettes in electronic form were published monthly and uploaded to the office website. To facilitate searches, Volumes A and B of the Gazette No.376 onward were split into subject matters, namely: Book 1. Patents, Utility Solutions, Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Layout-Designs; Book 2. Industrial Designs; Book 3. Trademarks, Geographical Indications.
Concerning industrial property statistics, IP Viet Nam published data on applications and registrations by provinces on the office website to support provincial management on IP. Statistics requested by WIPO were provided annually as one of the sources for WIPO to calculate the global innovation index (GII).
"Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) Training Workshop on Patent Search” was jointly organized by the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam (NOIP), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
IP Viet Nam also updated and applied latest version of international classifications for patents and trademarks to facilitate the registration of industrial property rights at the same effective date by WIPO. This was a notable effort made compared to past years to ensure the compliance of classifications applied by domestic and foreign applications.
In cooperation with WIPO, IP Viet Nam was in the course of promoting the formation of TISC Network comprising nearly 60 institutions/universities from across the country to enhance scientific and technological information (including patent information) utilisation skills. A cooperation agreement was signed between IP Viet Nam and WIPO to implement the Enabling IP Environment (EIE) Project in Viet Nam.
A steering committee was established to coordinate TISC Network and IP-Hub, build up a specialised topic on TISC Network and IP-Hub to be associated with the Office website. Industrial Property Information Center (IP Viet Nam) was the focal point in implementing tasks related to TISC Network and IP-Hub. In 2019, IP Viet Nam for the first time trained IP-Hub and TISC members including those from Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh cities with 10 intensive modules. In March 2019, IP Viet Nam conducted the seminar “Patent search for TISCs” (in collaboration with WIPO and Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), the WIPO Regional Meeting on “Developing the ASEAN Regional TISC Network” (in collaboration with WIPO) with the participation of TISC representatives, WIPO experts and delegates from 10 ASEAN countries. In October 2019, IP Viet Nam jointly organised with WIPO, JPO, University of Science and Technology the Workshop “Intellectual Property Management and Technology Commercialization for Technology Managers of Spoke Institutions in the Framework of EIE Project”.
Participants visited Hanoi University of Science and Technology
IP Viet Nam also participated in activities to improve the Global Innovation Index (GII) and Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) related to intellectual property; organising various training courses, disseminating information and awareness on intellectual property to support organisations and individuals in technology development and innovation activities.
Utilisation of information technology
In 2019, the system of computers, servers, internet connection, IPAS, search systems, electronic libraries, emails, website, etc was basically assured for stable and safe operation. The office was now running online public service level 4 according to the directions of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Government on improving administrative procedures.
Under the Cooperation Agreement between IP Viet Nam and WIPO concerning the deployment of WIPO IPAS, an industrial property administration software together with accurate database were deployed by IP Viet Nam. In 2019, the industrial design module was completed while other modules were still in progress.
Industrial property electronic libraries (IPLib, DigiPat) were updated monthly to serve social access. Apart from the support for the deployment of WIPO IPAS software, WIPO experts would also help develop an “industrial property digital library” based on WIPO Publish. The library was put into operation in November 2019 at and will be fully operational late 2020 in paralel with WIPO IPAS deployment.
To take over and optimise the WIPO IPAS system with a view to meeting the need for enhancing the capacity of industrial property examination, the office invested resources to implement the project “Modernisation of Business Services of the Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam” to replace the existing administration system built up in 2009. The project’s feasibility study was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology while the project will be tetatively completed by the end of 2022. Data centres, intranet system, internet connection and modern IT equipment will be installed in IP Viet Nam. The national registry will be digitised to increase the accuracy of the database and shorten processes and improve productivity.
Data centres, intranet systems and modern information technology equipment will be set up in the office. The national registry was digitised to increase the accuracy of the database and shorten processes, improving the processing efficiency of the system. Additional tools for specific processes were also established to ensure the availability of an adequate and highly consistent industrial property administration system in place.
In addition, the office successfully hosted the ASEAN Regional Conference on Information Technology in October 2019 in Da Nang and organised a study visit to learn about the industrial property administration system in the Japan Patent Office in November 2019.
The coming year of 2020 would be a crucial year in re-establishing the information technology system of IP Viet Nam to meet expectations of the Government, Ministry of Science and Technology, international organisations and the public. To keep up with the integration into the world intellectual property system, the ongoing fourth industrial revolution and rapid growth of industrial property applications, it would be necessary to have an appropriate and timely investment in the information technology system which was modern and effective enough to meet the management and professional activities of the office in the coming period.
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